3 Common Issues with Irrigation Systems Often Found in the Spring

April 13, 2020 | Irrigation Systems

Even high-quality sprinkler systems that were perfectly installed can develop problems. They have mechanical parts, and these parts can break down and wear out. What’s more, the rapidly changing weather in the Mid-Michigan area is a factor as well. If you start to notice evidence of any malfunctioning parts or problems, call the sprinkler experts at Spartan Irrigation. We’ve been doing this since 1976, and we’ve seen everything. Here are some of the most common irrigation system issues we see in the Spring each year.

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3 Common Grasses Residents Grow in Michigan

March 23, 2020 | Battle Creek

Lush, green lawns are all the rage during the spring and summer months. Many homeowners, like yourself, are preparing to nurture their dormant blades or plant new grass seed as warmer weather approaches. In Michigan, cool-season grasses thrive and are what most home and business owners choose to plant. These blades are easy to maintain and you can rely on them to come back year after year, despite the harsh winters. At Spartan Irrigation, we provide a variety of irrigation services throughout Lansing, MI. Here’s a look at the three of the most common grasses we see.

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3 Reasons to Winterize Your Irrigation System

November 9, 2019 | Irrigation Systems

In the Lansing and Jackson areas of Michigan, we can get hit with a hard frost as early as October. With freezing temperatures on the way, it’s important to consider how that weather can affect your irrigation system. At Spartan Irrigation, we’ve been providing expert lawn and irrigation services since 1976. Here are some of the main reasons why you should consider giving us a call to winterize your irrigation system. 

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