3 Holiday Lighting Etiquette Tips

January 25, 2021 | Battle Creek

Holiday lights and decorations bring plenty of joy and cheer to the season. Whether you put up your lights yourself or hire lighting professionals, you should follow holiday lighting etiquette. As lighting experts, Spartan Irrigation is aware of all the proper rules and formalities. Not only do we take your requests and home design into consideration, but we also make sure your lighting won’t become an issue for your neighbors. Nevertheless, we wanted to share some of our top tips with you.

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Why Aren’t My Lawn Sprinklers Working?

October 26, 2020 | Irrigation Systems

As a homeowner, you’ve invested a lot of time, energy, and money in keeping your lawn lush and green. You’ve even installed an automated sprinkler system to ensure that your lawn stays well watered all year long. So, it can be frustrating when any part of your sprinkler system breaks or starts to leak, and you can’t seem to find the source. There a plenty of reasons why your sprinkler system isn’t working properly, and it’s important to remember that this is just part of owning a sprinkler system. So, before you try to fix it yourself, give the lawn care experts at Spartan Irrigation a call.

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3 Types of Sprinkler Heads

October 26, 2020 | Hillsdale

When it comes to your irrigation system, having the right sprinkler head can make all the difference. Choosing the correct head ensures that your landscaping plants are watered evenly all year long. However, don’t stress about finding the right sprinkler heads on your own. Thanks to the team at Spartan Irrigation, homeowners in Lansing MI, rest easy knowing they’ve selected the right sprinklers for their watering needs. We’ve also taken the time to showcase three of the most common types of heads to help anyone looking for a little more guidance.

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3 Benefits of Trenchless Pipe Installation

June 30, 2020 | Irrigation Systems

Installing a sprinkler system is one of the best ways to keep your lawn green all summer long. With perfectly timed sprinkler settings, you get a well-watered lawn twice a day, every day. However, some homeowners are suspicious of the installation process because they fear their yard will be torn up and left recovering for several months. That’s just not the case when you choose Spartan Irrigation. Our trenchless pipe installation method uses the latest technology in sprinkler installation. Here are three of its advantages.

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5 Facts About Smart Irrigation and WiFi Controllers

June 30, 2020 | Irrigation Systems

Maintaining your lush, green lawn during the spring and summer months takes a precise understanding of when and how much to water. Having an irrigation system means you take your lawn care seriously. However, regular maintenance and manual shut-off of your irrigation system can be a hassle. With the wrong settings, you could even be wasting water. That’s why Spartan Irrigation offers smart irrigation controllers that give you more flexibility over your lawn care. Here is everything you need to know about these WiFi controllers.

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Why You Should Install a Residential Irrigation System

April 13, 2020 | Irrigation Systems

Keeping your lawn lush and green all summer long can be a challenge if you’re relying on the traditional hose and sprinkler combo. Without a proper irrigation system, you’re likely wasting water on the sidewalk and missing patches of turf. Our goal at Spartan Irrigation is to provide expert irrigation installation and service, so you can conserve water and save money. If you’re on the fence about installing a lawn sprinkler system, here are some of the most important benefits to consider.

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3 Common Grasses Residents Grow in Michigan

March 23, 2020 | Battle Creek

Lush, green lawns are all the rage during the spring and summer months. Many homeowners, like yourself, are preparing to nurture their dormant blades or plant new grass seed as warmer weather approaches. In Michigan, cool-season grasses thrive and are what most home and business owners choose to plant. These blades are easy to maintain and you can rely on them to come back year after year, despite the harsh winters. At Spartan Irrigation, we provide a variety of irrigation services throughout Lansing, MI. Here’s a look at the three of the most common grasses we see.

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